

2022-05-04 来源:世旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities.(几个世纪以来,法律研究一直被视为欧洲大学的一门基础知识学科。)

2、The systematic study of this art is a relatively new discipline in Australia.(在澳大利亚,对这一艺术的系统研究是相对较新的学科。)

3、With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.(由于有了学校对心智彻底的纪律训练,美国男孩迅速成长为技巧熟练的工人。)

4、The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.(学校决定采取另外一种方式解决纪律问题。)

5、Especially with a challenging topic like yours: factors leading to the emergence of sociology as an academic discipline.(尤其是像你们这样具有挑战性的题目:导致社会学作为一门学科出现的因素。)

6、Students at large felt that the discipline was too strict.(学生们普遍认为纪律太严格了。)

7、The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world.(对一门学科的研究改变了我们感知世界的方式。)

8、discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits.(纪律问题绝不仅限于依赖救济家庭的孩子。)

9、"Regardless of discipline, employers are looking for individuals with the ability to multitask," says Fay.(“不管什么学科,雇主都在寻找能够做多种任务的人。”Fay说。)

10、Your assignment will be to choose a discipline that interests you, and devise an experiment.(你们的任务是选择一个感兴趣的学科,然后设计一个实验。)

11、It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.(在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。)

12、The problem is due to discipline, or, more precisely, the lack of discipline, in schools.(问题出在纪律上,或者更确切地说,是学校缺乏纪律。)

13、He may lack self-discipline and have difficulty making decisions on his own.(他可能缺乏自律,很难自己做决定。)

14、It was that image of calm, control, and discipline that appealed to millions of voters.(正是那冷静、克制和自律的形象吸引了数以百万计的选民。)

15、For those in power, this makes history as a discipline not only useless but dangerous too.(对于掌权者而言,这使得历史作为一门学科不仅毫无用处,而且危险。)

16、The teacher can't keep discipline in her classroom.(这位教师无法维持她的课堂纪律。)

17、Children who have a positive self-image are less likely to present behaviour and discipline problems.(有着正面自我形象的儿童较不可能出现行为和纪律的问题。)

18、everyone should keep discipline and you are no exception.(每个人都应该遵守纪律,你也毫无例外。)

19、The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.(这所学校因纪律严格而名闻遐迩。)

20、Soldiers have to learn discipline.(军人必须学会遵守纪律。)

21、The most common topics they discussed included kids' sleep, nutrition, discipline, behavior problems, day care and preschool.(他们最常讨论的话题包括孩子的睡眠、营养、纪律、行为问题、日托和学前教育。)

22、He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty.(他自幼受到严格纪律和职责的约束。)

23、The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.(该管弦乐队现在更有纪律了,但却牺牲了士气。)

24、discipline was the new coach's secret weapon.(严格的训练是这位新教练的秘密武器。)

25、discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked.(公司有严格的纪律,没有人偷懒。)

26、It's up to your own self-discipline—how much efforts you put into study.(这取决于你自己的自律程度——你在学习上投入了多少努力。)

27、Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of governing bodies.(秩序与纪律已交由管控机构负责。)

28、We need to find more creative ways to discipline our students and to maintain control in the classroom.(我们需要用更创新的方法约束学生,维持课堂纪律。)

29、Financial discipline is lax.(财政纪律松驰。)

30、Running a kitchen involves lots of discipline and speed.(管理厨房需要讲究纪律和速度。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


