date from的近义词是:go back回去;date back回溯至。date from的英英释义是Verb:belong to an earlier time;"This story dates back years"。date from的例句是The classic superheroes like Spiderman or Superman date back to many decades ago.象蜘蛛侠或超人这类传统超级英雄可以回溯到好几十年前。
一、参考翻译点此查看date from的详细内容
"This story dates back 200 years"
The classic superheroes like Spiderman or Superman date back to many decades ago.
It starts with first contact and moves on from there.
Efforts to fix a date for the birth of Christ began some two centuries after his death, as the Catholic Church began to establish its traditions.
date from的相关近义词
date from的相关临近词
Datel、date、date of application for survey、date of substantial completion、Date of Commencement of Towage、Date of second last dry-dock、Date of Panel Committee Meeting、date of completion of discharge、Date of this Continuing Guaranty、Date Collection and Transmission、Date of establishment of company、date star-wheel driving finger