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PCI bus bridge reset circuit

2022-11-01 来源:世旅网

专利名称:PCI bus bridge reset circuit发明人:Nguyen, Vincent,Brownell, Paul V.申请号:EP97306155.9申请日:19970813公开号:EP0825518A1公开日:19980225


摘要:A reset circuit for a computer system having PCI chip set, the reset circuitincluding a logical AND gate with a first input connected to a cold boot reset pin of thePMC, and an output connected to a PCI data bus; a logical OR gate with a first inputconnected to the flush pin of the PMC and an output connected to a second input of the

logical AND gate; an inverter with an input connected to the flush pin of the PMC; and adelay device connected between an output of the inverter and a second input of thelogical OR gate.

申请人:Compaq Computer Corporation

地址:20555 S.H. 249 Houston Texas 77070 US


代理机构:Brunner, Michael John

