The management system and the backstage server (database).
(1) management system
A collection of Oracle executable tools, divided into two parts: process structure and memory structure
(2) process structure
The startup of an application in OS is divided into user processes and server processes according to who calls the application
A: user process: application user calls.
Function: Send a user request processing result database.
B: server process: Oracle service is started, the application will automatically start the call.
Effect: request processing receives the request of the user, the processing result.
Know: 6 server processes
Write process: database cache data to the data file.
The log cache write process: redo log writes the redo log files.
Process monitor: operation of automatic monitoring user process
Checkpoint process: dirty data processing process
The process of monitoring system: the realization of database backup and restore process.
Archiving process: automatically archived redo log
(3) memory structure
Memory space occupied by an application. According to the application of the caller of different memory structure is divided into PGA and SGA. A:PGA:
The program global area, the user process memory space occupied and exclusive. B:SGA
System wide area, service startup, shared memory space for server process and user process automatically. Form:
Data buffer: buffer for processing data
Log buffer: Handling redo logs
Shared storage pool: compiled SQL statements and data
Java pool: store Java statements
Large pool: the storage capacity of data and realize the database backup and restore.
(4) backstage database
Realize the collection of data storage and data management and document management object. Into the physical and logical structure to realize the data storage and management
A: physical structure
The physical structure is really used to store data files. The collection reflects the Oracle database in the physical disk is a series of documents. Divided into three core files and three auxiliary files.
Three core files: data files, control files, redo log files.
Three auxiliary files: the parameter file, the password file and archive log files
The collection of these documents form a database.
B: logical structure
The way to implement data management.
Block: the basic unit of Oracle IO, the default is a multiple of 4k.
The data interval: Oracle basic unit space allocation. Default 16 block.
Data: data storage, a series of continuous data interval. (data segment, segment, rollback segment, temporary segment)
Database objects: realize logic object data management. Oracle has 21 clock database objects.
Table view constraint, index sequencer, synonym, process function, trigger, package, package exception
Table space: object logic to manage multiple data files
data base
So. To use Oracle database, you need to build your own tablespace, build your own data files, build your own users, assign your own permissions, create your own database objects, and store your own data.
User process
Process structure
Server process
management system PGA
Memory structure SGA
data base
Core file
Physical structure
Auxiliary file
Background database
data block
Logical structure data interval
Data segment
Database object
data base
Content sharing of Oracle DBA
Development: the conventional database object management, pl/sql development
10, Oracle database management
With the aid of Database Configuration Assistant
11, SQL statement
Structured query language
DDL (data definition language):create alter drop, the database object management
DCL (data control language): Grant revoke rights management
DML (data management language): select Insert update delete
12, table space
(1) concept
Logical objects for managing multiple data files
(2) characteristics
Table space must exist simultaneously with the data file. A table space needs at least 1 data files.
(3) classification
Table space according to the management data file storage data, divided into 3 categories.
Permanent tablespace: management of data files used to store persistent data. Default.
Temporary tablespace data file storage: temporary information management.
Undo tablespace data file storage rollback management information.
(4) the state of the tablespace
Is actually a table space management data file status.
Online: normal files can be read and write.
Offline: single file exists, cannot read and write data.
(5) segment management
Allocation of space occupied by data files
Automatic management
Manual management
(6) District Management
Record file space size distribution mode.
A: local management
Record size allocation in the current data file
B: data dictionary management
By the system table and view record size distribution.
Starting from Oracle10g, the default local management mode.
(7) data dictionary
Storage system and information system object to database tables and views.
The main use of three data dictionaries:
A:dba_ database object
For example: dba_tables, said the current administrator has the form
B:users_ database object
For example: user_tables said that ordinary users have table
C:all_ database object
For example: all_table said that the current user has permission to query the table
Only the sys user has a data dictionary management authority.
(8) creating grammar
A: premise
Create tablespace has permissions to create tablespace.
B: Syntax
Create tablespace tablespace 'datafile data file' size physical address size,......
Note: there is no size in the tablespace, the size of the tablespace is actually the sum of the size of the data files that are managed.
(9) modify tablespace
Alter table space, the main is to modify the state and add a data file.
A: adding data files
Alter tablespace add datafile 'tablespace data file' size
physical address size
B: modify tablespace state
Alter tablespace tablespace offline (online)
Once the table space table offline, all data file management all offline.
(10) modify the size of the data file
Alter database 'datafile' resize physical address data file size
(11) deleting files
The data file cannot be deleted individually, must rely on the way to delete delete table space.
Drop tablespace tablespace name
Deleting tablespace simply deletes the relation between data file and database, and the file will exist on disk.
(12) the use of tablespace
Your data is stored in its own data file, placed in their own table space management.
The Oracle data file and Oracle file system not together,
Custom data files do not work together with Oracle default data files.
13 、 Oracle Security Architecture
(1) adjusting a secure configuration of Oracle
By default, the administrator of the operating system is the oracle of DBA, which needs to be recovered.
(2) Oracle authentication process
A: if you specify a good user name and password, if you do not have a clear login identity, the default login as normal identity, strict implementation of database authentication. Verify that the account exists in the database, and whether the user password matches.
B: if you login as a SYSDBA, verify the existence of the account, the account name, and the password in the SYSDBA permissions group within the database. If the password does not match, or the account does not exist. Auto go to the third step.
C: transfer the login account information to the operating system for verification. If the account exists on the OS, verify the password and whether it has the administrative authority of oracle. If the account does not exist on the OS, the user who automatically extracts the current login OS is verified. Verify whether the current system login user is in the ora_dba
group. If the user is in the ora_dba group, automatically login as SYSDBA in administrator.
Recommendation: cancel the DBA validation in the operating system, the database is only internal verification.
(3) the authentication level of Oracle
The identity of Oracle is also divided into operating system verification and database internal verification.
Default database internal verification.
(4) network access of Oracle
Install client tools on the client without installing server-side tools and server files. Clients can connect directly to the data on the operating server through network access.
A: installing client tools
B: configure the local access service and specify the name of the service that you name.
(4) the hierarchy of security architecture of Oracle profile role
(5) summary document
Oracle allocation of CPU and configuration files of system resources.
The default is recommended. (6) role
The A: role is a collection of permissions and roles. B: focus
Connect DBA
C: create
Create role role name
D: authorization
Grant permissions or role to roles
E: Recycling
Revoke permissions or role from roles
Premise: only DBA and roles with corresponding rights management options can perform role authorization.
(7) authority
Classification of A: permissions
System privileges: the permissions to execute DDL and database management.
Object permission: permission to execute specific data of a specific database object
B: assign system permissions
Only DBA and users with system rights management options can assign system permissions.
Authorization: grant system permissions to users
Recovery: revoke system permissions from users
Attention: in principle, who is assigned the authority and who is responsible for the recovery?.
C: allocation of object permissions
Authorization: grant permission, on scheme name. Object name to user
Recycle: revoke permissions, on scheme name. Object name from
Principle: only the ownership of the database object is assigned to the object permissions.
(8) the creation of users
A: matters needing attention
A: verification method
There are three ways to validate Oracle users:
Password authentication: default. You must specify a password for the user. The internal validation of the database is executed.
External validation: user verification by the operating system. Not recommended.
Global verification: the verification method used by Oracle8i before
B: explicit default tablespace
Users need to clear the table space for future data storage. If not specified, all the data information of the default custom account is written into the users tablespace.
B: Syntax
Create user user name identified by 'password'
C: assign default tablespace
Create user user name identified by 'password' default tablespace tablespace name
Alter user user name default tablespace tablespace name
C: authorization: system permissions
DBA or user is responsible for the allocation of management options
Grant roles or permissions for to users
Revoke roles or permissions for from users
D: authorization: object permissions
The distribution database stressed: the owner of the object specific object permissions.
Grant permissions on to user object scheme name.
Revoke permissions on from user object scheme name.
E: allocation quota for tablespace usage
Clear the current user can use the size of the data file.
By default, only DBA has unlimited usage limit for all table spaces. Ordinary users, although specifying default tablespace, still cannot use the allocation quota.
Only DBA can allocate quotas.
Alter user quota (unlimited) on user size table space
(9) delete users
Drop user user name
When users have created their own database objects, the default is not allowed to delete user. If you have to delete, you need to specify the cascade option to synchronously delete all database objects under the current user scheme.
Summary: the implementation of the principle of minimization of Oracle power distribution. Enforce strict authentication.